英 [ˈkænsə(r)] 美 [ˈkænsɚ] 癌症,恶性肿瘤;弊病,社会恶习;迅速蔓延的恶劣的或危险的事物;[天]巨蟹座,巨蟹宫cancer 一词出了有癌症之意,还有巨蟹座的意思。
为什么巨蟹座的英文是cancer? 出生在6.22-7.22之间的小伙伴就可以被称之为Cancerian,这个词首次使用是在1911年,Cancer也可以直接表示是巨蟹座的人。


「 关于 癌症 的真相你知道多少?」
「 Fact 1 」
Everyone is a potential cancer patient, the primary cancer cells were with us ever since the day we’re born, but they are in standby mode. Canceration can be activated by many elements, such as radiation, virus, germs and chemicals, these are all good activists.
「 Fact 2 」
Most of the anticarcinogens are quite effective at the beginning of the treatment, but after a while, it’s getting weak, that’s because cancer cells are drug-resistant and variable.
「 Fact 3 」
Cancer is also the name of a horoscope, the only distinction is the capital C. It is said that the malignant tumor areas are as tough as crab’s shells, so Cancer take the blames.
「 Fact 4 」
Elephants never get cancer, cuz they have 20 copies of TP53 in their genes, we humans and other mammals only have 1. This specific gene can capture DNA-damaged cells, they either fix it or kill it, making them officially nemesis for cancer cells, talking about gene privileges.
「 Fact 5 」
Although non-smokers may also get lung cancer, but they can be fixed easily than those heavy smokers.
「 Fact 6 」
HBV carriers are 100 times more likely to get liver cancer.
「 Fact 7 」
Taking a walk half an hour everyday, you get 43% lower chances to have colon cancer than those who don’t. Now the girls have great excuses for their window shopping activities.
「 Fact 8 」
You never heard of heart cancer, that’s because myocardial cells are permanent, when there’s no fission or regeneration, there’s no chaos or abnormity. Cancer cells can’t survive in such condition.
「 Fact 9 」
Cervical cancer and anal cancer are mainly caused by HPV which can be sexually transmitted to others. So if you never get laid, you never get this kind of cancer.
「 Fact 10 」
Scientists in Boston University have studied the cancer diagnosis reports of 7252 females and 3690 males, they have discovered gay’s cancer rate is 8% , 1.9 times than those who are straight and bisexuals.
Although Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was alert and cheerful.
Exposure to low-level radiation for a long time may accelerate aging and cause cancer.
It is artificially induced (usually with ice baths) for certain surgical procedures and cancer treatments.
He is suffering from terminal cancer.
☑Nowadays many people die of cancer.
pioneer in cancer research
She's doing cancer research.
It wasn't cancer, only a benign tumour.
fight cancer;fight temptation.
an ineffectual treatment for cancer.