
As one of the most iconic landmarks in Tibet, Potala Palace is definitely worth a visit. With its stunning architecture, rich history and cultural significance, tourists can immerse themselves in the beauty of Tibetan culture and history. Don't miss the chance to explore this magnificent palace and witness the breathtaking views of Lhasa city from the top of the palace.

The Potala Palace is located on Mountain Maburi inthe northwest of Lhasa in Tibet. It's a large building embodying palace, temple and coffin tower. It is said that the Potala Palace was built by Songtsen Gampofor his marriage to Princess Wencheng. The Potala Palace is characteristic of a distinct Tibetan style. Built on the mountain, it looks magnificent.It is 115 meters high and has a total of 13 floors. The main body is divided into the Red Palace and the White Palace, with the former in the middle and the latter on either side. The Red Palace contains coffin towers for all Dalai Lamas in the past dynasties and all kinds of Buddhist temples and scripture shrines. The White Palace is where Dalai Lama works and lives.The Potala Palace can be called a museum both of architectural and Buddhist art.


1.松赞干布为迎娶文成公主而建的:即“布达拉宫是松赞干布建的,为了迎娶文成公主”,其中“为了迎娶”可译为for one'smarriage to。

2.鲜明的藏式风格:“鲜明的”可用distinct表达;“藏式风格”可译为Tibetan style。

3.依山而建,气势雄伟:“依山而建”即“建在山上”,可译为be built on the mountain;“气势雄伟”即“看上去很宏伟”,可译为it looks magnificent。

4.红宫居中,白宫居两侧:本句可使用with引导的复令结构,“居两侧”译为on either side。

5.历代达赖喇嘛:即“所有过去朝代的达赖喇嘛”,即all Dalai Lamas in the past dynasties。

If you are planning a trip to Tibet, the Potala Palace is a must-see attraction. Its grandeur and beauty are beyond words. However, due to the high altitude, it's important to take precautions to avoid altitude sickness. Stay hydrated, take it slow, and listen to your body. Don't let sickness ruin your trip. Enjoy the breathtaking views and immerse yourself in the rich culture of Tibet.



