


和田玉中的名品,是珍藏于陕西历史博物馆的西汉国宝级文物皇后之玺,其质地为新疆和田羊脂玉,是迄今唯一的汉代皇后玉玺,为首批禁止出国(境)展览文物 。2008年北京奥运会会徽徽宝中国印,也是采用新疆和田玉作为材料。

和田玉属镁质大理岩与中酸性岩浆岩接触交代而形成的变质岩,内含透闪石、角闪石、阳起石等多矿物集合体,化学成分是含水的钙镁硅酸盐,化学式为Ca2(Mg,Fe2 )5[Si8O22](OH)2,密度为2.95—3.17,摩氏硬度在6.0—6.5之间。



英文名称:Li Dragon and tian jade buckle





精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 螭龙:螭是古代神话传说中的一种龙。螭龙寓意美好,吉祥,招财,也寓意男女的感情。《汉书·司马相如传上》:于是蛟龙赤螭。颜师古注:文颖曰:‘龙子为螭。’张揖曰:‘赤螭,雌龙也。’如淳曰:‘蠄,山神也。’《广雅》云:有角曰虬,无角曰螭。

精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 这件玉扣正面螭龙,反面卷云纹为a形卷云纹,极为少见,一般W形卷云纹较常见,表面有明显的蜡状光泽,有如蜡制一般,蜡状光泽:是玉石的一个属性。由于隐晶质或细微的颗粒所造成,光泽呈亮蜡状。是老玉的明显特征。

精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 卷云纹是汉族传统装饰纹样之一。青铜器纹饰之一。起于战国,秦时得到进一步发展,汉、魏时代流行的装饰花纹之一。以W、á为基本线形,通过粗细、疏密、黑白和虚实等对比手法,组成各种卷云纹。


天珠英语是gZi Beads, [1] 藏语叫(zi 斯)汉语译为斯或瑟,又称天降石。在《藏汉大辞典》里天珠的解释为:亚玛瑙,猫睛石,一种宝石,俗称九眼珠。入药能治脑溢血。最早的天珠为象雄天珠,象雄天珠诞生于古代横跨中亚及青藏高原最强大的文明古国–古象雄王国,它是雍仲本教的圣物,是藏族七宝之首。

虎牙天珠具有辟邪的功效。连续的齿纹含有「伏恶」的力量 藏传佛教认为其图腾象征东方金刚部 可以降服修持者内心或外在的障碍 有着刚强坚韧、消除波折、勇往直前、移灾去邪、保佑平安之意。



英文名称:Tiger tooth beads hand string




精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 这件天珠手串,由白银和紫水晶,天珠组成,紫水晶是十二生肖宝石中的蛇属相生肖石,虎牙天珠又有伏恶,保平安的功效,最适合蛇属相的主人佩戴。

紫水晶的主要成分是二氧化硅,硬度7 ,比重2.65,折射率1.54-1.55,具二向色性。从不同角度观赏,可显示出蓝或红的紫色调,通常以混合式或阶式做成刻面。天然产出的紫水晶因含铁、锰等矿物质而形成漂亮的紫色,主要颜色有淡紫色、紫红、深红、大红、深紫、蓝紫等颜色,以深紫红和大红为最佳,过于淡的紫色则较为平常。天然紫晶通常会有天然冰裂纹或白色云雾杂质。具有宝石价值的紫晶均产在火山岩、伟晶岩、或灰岩、页岩的晶洞中。紫晶在自然界分布广泛,主要产地有巴西、俄罗斯、南非、马达加斯加。

精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 明星藏家天珠走红,一提到天珠,大家首选会联系到李连杰五千入手的九眼天珠,目前价值过亿,而扬子最钟爱天珠,就连黄晓明结婚,扬子都是送的天珠,扬子送了一个虎牙天珠,价值百万,被新闻媒体频繁报道,而很多为黄晓明送的现金不止百万的大有人在,却并没有赢得风头,可见天珠之神秘,可见天珠的价值非同一般。


精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 关于通过磁场和力量来辨识天珠,我曾经也和汉地的一些瓷器、字画、紫砂壶藏家交流过。这些朋友们,更喜欢把这种力量描述为气场。而气场说,汉地的不少藏家早已深有体会。例如,他们在品鉴一把名家紫砂壶时,通过玩味这把壶的精、气、神,从壶身流露的气韵,能够感受到是大师亲手完成,还是最后环节由大师优化成型,还是只是寻常仿品而已。而赏鉴一些汉唐瓷时,他们更看重的其实是瓷器周身呼之欲出的磅礴之势。







英文名称:Sapphire ring




精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 这件蓝宝石,麻花戒托,八楞倒锥形,加上蓝宝石蛋面,组成了这一西洋风格的蓝宝石戒子,在当时可是外国贵族才能有的饰品。


精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 蓝宝石是以天空为参照,美如天空是最理想的状态,称之为天空蓝,这枚戒子,在强光下就能表现出来,(见下图)而且是稀有的星光蓝宝石,可以看到星光四耀,美的动人心魄。

精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 从清朝到民国洋货流行,名门望族都以有一件西洋物件为傲,更是有很多名家子弟去国外留学学习,能说几句英文才能跟得上潮流,才能体现出文化底蕴,这枚蓝宝石的基本在国外也是王公贵族才能拥有的,有了这样一枚戒子可以说是极度的奢华,成为当时富家子弟的斗宝之重器,收藏此戒子不仅能体现身份,更是为气质加分,是一件十分难得的馆藏级藏品。




英文名称:Carved and looped twig pattern jade pendant




精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 羊脂玉:和田玉由于开采地质不同,也分为山料,山流水料,戈壁料,籽料,其中价值最高的当属于籽料。高质量的和田玉籽料均采自河中,它经过上千年的河水冲刷,变得细腻晶莹、如凝如脂,才成为著名的和田玉。和田白玉名闻中外,西汉文学家东方朔的《海内十洲记》曾誉其为白玉之精。历代进贡皇帝的新疆玉石,多取自这种和田白玉之最上品。由于这种白玉质地细腻,纯洁浑白,色如羊脂,故又名羊脂玉。

精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 据有关材料介绍,自春秋战国至元代之前的和田玉,均为采集的籽料;到元代开始采集山料;到清代,籽料逐渐稀少,始大规模采集山料。





精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 羊脂白玉的鉴别要点必须满足五个方面,即质地纯、结构细、水头足、颜色羊脂白、油性重。




2、结构细——羊脂玉中透闪石呈显微纤状变晶结晶及成集合体,在电子显微镜、光学显微镜下可对透闪石结晶粒度进行测定,羊脂玉中透闪石纤维状长度(纵向)0.033-0.01mm,宽度(横向)0.0006-0.001mm,这些显微纤状、绒毛状、毡状透闪石晶体互相交织在一起,组成绒毛状结构、毡状结构、交织结构。 [2]





精品推荐—和田玉,老玉挂件 文化




英文翻译:Hetian jade, “Chinas four famous jade” one (its three for Shaanxi Lantian jade, Liaoning xiuyu jade and Henan Dushan jade). The traditional narrow sense refers to the jade produced in Hotan, Xinjiang, which is famous for its “sub-materials”. Hetian jade in the broad sense refers to nephrite (true jade). Although hetian jade is named after Xinjiang Hetian, it is not a regional concept, not specifically referring to the jade produced in Xinjiang Hetian region, but the name of a class of products. In China, more than 98% tremolite is named hetian jade, which is within the scope of national standards.

When Qin Shi Huang unified China, hetian jade was called “jade of Kunshan” because it was produced in Kunlun Mountain. Later, it was called “Jade of Khotan” because it was located in the land of Khotan. It was not until the ninth year of The Guangxu Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1883) when hetian Zhili Prefecture was established that it was officially named “Hetian Jade”.

The famous hetian jade is the Queens Seal, a national treasure of the Western Han Dynasty, which is stored in The Shaanxi History Museum. It is made of Xinjiang Hetian amniocentric jade. It is the only queens seal of the Han Dynasty so far. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem “Chinese seal”, also using xinjiang hetian jade as material.

The metamorphic rock formed by contact metasomatism between Hetian jade magnesian marble and intermediate-acid magmatic rock contains multiple mineral aggregates such as tremolite, hornblende and actinite. The chemical composition is water-bearing calcium and magnesium silicate, the chemical formula is Ca2(Mg,Fe2 )5[Si8O22](OH)2, the density is 2.95 — 3.17, and the Hardness is between 6.0 — 6.5.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Li Dragon and tian Jade buckle

Li Dragon and Tian Jade Buckle

Category: Jade

Specification: one piece

Weight: 236g

Appearance: Beautiful (waxy luster)

Dragon: A dragon in ancient myth and legend. Li dragon implied beauty, good luck, wealth, also implied feelings of men and women. In the Book of the Han Dynasty, The Legend of Sima Xiangru: “Then dragons are red chi.” Yan Shigu remarked, “Wen Ying said, The dragon is chi. Zhang Yi said, “Red chi, female. “Such as chun yue:” 蠄, mountain god also. “In The Book Guang Ya,” Every day is qiu qiu with horns, and chi chi without them.”

On the contrary, the cloud pattern is a-shaped. In general, w-shaped cloud pattern is very common. The surface has a clear waxy lustre, like that of wax. The sheen is waxy due to cryptocrystalline or fine particles. Is the obvious feature of the old jade.

Roll moire is one of the traditional decorative patterns of the Han Nationality. One of the bronze ornaments. From the Warring States, The Qin dynasty was further developed, han, Wei era popular decorative patterns. “W”, “A” as the basic line, through the thickness, density, black and white and virtual and real contrast techniques, to form a variety of moire.

This is a typical type of jade, is the ancient jade ritual, the ancients think it is round, so he made a circle round jade to day, hope god can feel for the sincerity of the rites through the middle of the eye, with gods channeling is a very mysterious force, bless peace can be life, wear and exorcism, avoid evil, confirmed the efficacy of peace.

The English sky Beads are gZi Beads. In Tibetan they are translated into “si” or “se” in Chinese. They are also called “Falling stones”. Day bead in “tibetan-chinese dictionary explanation is:” the agate, cats eye, a kind of gem, commonly known as nine eyes. As medicine can cure cerebral haemorrhage “. The earliest tianzhu is Xiangxiong Tianzhu. Xiangxiong Tianzhu was born in the ancient Xiangxiong Kingdom, the most powerful ancient civilization across Central Asia and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is the sacred object of Yongzhongs religion and the first of the seven Tibetan treasures.

Tiger tooth beads have the effect of warding off evil spirits. Tibetan Buddhism believes that its totem symbolizes that the Eastern Vader can overcome the inner and outer obstacles of the practitioner with the meaning of being strong and tenacious, eliminating twists and turns, moving forward bravely, removing evil and blessing peace.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Tiger tooth beads hand string

English name: Tiger Tooth Beads Hand String

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

This necklace is made up of silver, amethyst and amethyst. Amethyst is the zodiac stone in the zodiac gemstone of the zodiac. Tiger tooth beads also have the effect of resisting evil and protecting peace.

The main composition of amethyst is silicon dioxide, hardness is 7, specific gravity is 2.65, refractive index is 1.54-1.55, with dichroism. When viewed from different angles, purple tones of blue or red can be displayed, usually in a mixed or stepped pattern. The amethyst that produces naturally because contain the mineral substance such as iron, manganese and form beautiful purple, main color has the color such as lilac, purplish red, deep red, bright red, deep purple, blue violet, with deep violet and bright red is best, too light purple is more common. Natural amethysts usually have cracks in natural ice or white cloud impurities. Amethyst with gemstone value is found in the caverns of volcanic rock, pegmatite, limestone or shale. Amethyst is widely distributed in nature, mainly produced in Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Madagascar.

Pearl, pearl red star collectors day mentioned days, preferred to pearl eye contact to five thousand li of nine days, is now worth $, and yangzi favourite day bead, even marry huang xiaoming, Yangtze day send the bead, yangzi gave a canine teeth day bead, worth millions, frequently reported by news organizations, and many send cash for huang xiaoming millions more matches, but didnt win, visible day bead of mystery, the value of the visible day bead.

The heavenly beads, too, have their own unique magnetic field and power. In Xizang, the expert who really understands Tianzhu is “the person who understands tianzhus aura”. The word was first used by Taiwanese friends to describe the experts who knew tian-Zhu. Taiwan friends are an early group to enter Tibet and have a thorough and detailed understanding of Tibetan culture. On the other hand, “high imitation” beads from Taiwan have appeared since the 1980s and 1990s. Over the years, a variety of imitation beads on the external features, more and more deceptive, more realistic, but to the Tibetan “know to see the people of the bead aura” in front, or no retreat. Because the appearance can be imitated, but tianzhu inner temperament and strength, is not to be copied. In the world of people who really understand the beads, if someone comes from a distance with a bead on his neck, do not have to start, a few meters away to “take a look”, the truth of the beads, the heart has probably known. When I get the details on my hand, I have nothing to do with “true or false”, but observe the pulp, weathering pattern and integrity of this bead, so as to conduct a psychological assessment of the rarity of this bead.

As for the identification of tianzhu by magnetic field and strength, I have also communicated with some collectors of Porcelain, calligraphy and painting in The Han dynasty and zisha teapot. These friends prefer to describe this power as an “aura.” And gas field says, many collector of Han ground already had deep experience. For example, when tasting a famous purple clay pot, they could feel whether it was finished by the master himself, or whether the final part was optimized and shaped by the master, or whether it was just an ordinary copy by pondering over its “essence, qi and god”. When appreciating some Han and Tang dynasty porcelain, they paid more attention to the magnificent “power” of the porcelain.

Because day bead of the magnetic field and power is very special, we have and some qigong practitioners, yoga, meditation, and even some soak in the tea ceremony from doing test (their common characteristics are long-term attention to the training of the “heart”), in their breath, relax, really let the heart to quiet down, hand day bead, can clearly feel the strength of day bead by inside and outside send out. Some people can feel the heat in their palms as they hold it, some can feel a slight pulse, and some can even see a series of colored pictures! Interestingly, many unsophisticated children seem to be more susceptible to the power of celestial beads. If you have the chance to offer true pearl to your friends, try it. Day bead of the magnetic field is of great benefit to human body, can adjust bioelectricity, more with more spirit, more with more health, day bead is not only a historical research value, economic value and collection value, but also has medicinal value (medicine), multiple value as a whole, said day bead is the best collection a little too much, want to collect day bead must be: money comes easily to a treasure is hard to find, because want to hide to god beads are extremely difficult, like collection thats bite a tooth have to win.

Corundum stone is Sapphire (Sapphire), in addition to Ruby (Ruby) in the other color corundum gem known, was mostly alumina (Al ₂ O ₃). Blue sapphire, due to a small amount of titanium (Ti) and iron (Fe) impurities caused by. Sapphire can be pink, yellow, green, white, or even multiple colors on the same stone.

Sapphire is found in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Laos, Cambodia, China changle Shandong, Hainan, Chongqing Jiangjin stalagmite mountain, among which the rarest origin should belong to the Kashmir region sapphire, and Myanmar is now producing the most high-quality sapphire.

The biggest characteristic of sapphire is uneven color, visible parallel six square cylinder arrangement, different shades of straight ribbon and growth lines. Polycrystalline double crystal development, common louver type double crystal grain. The cleavage fracture is mostly along the double crystal plane. Strong dichroism, the worlds different origin of sapphire in addition to the above common characteristics, but also because of the origin of different characteristics. In the 1980s, many sapphire deposits were discovered in basalt along the east coast of China.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: sapphire ring

Sapphire Ring

Category: Jewelry

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

The sapphire, the mahua ring, the eight flute inverted conical shape, and the sapphire egg surface made up this western style sapphire ring, which at that time was the ornament of the foreign aristocrat.

The English name for Sapphire comes from the Latin Spphins, which means blue. Corundum belongs to the trigonal crystal system. In the gemological world, corundum of all colors other than ruby is called sapphire. The mineral name of sapphire is corundum, belonging to the corundum family. In fact, in nature, sapphire grade corundum in addition to red called ruby, other colors such as blue, light blue, green, yellow, gray, colorless, etc., are called sapphire, or color sapphire, namely in front of sapphire plus color name, such as pink sapphire. The chemical composition of sapphire (Al ₂ O ₃), mainly caused by Fe, Ti, color. Corundum contains trace elements such as iron (Fe) and titanium (Ti), and presents colors such as blue, sky blue and light blue, among which royal blue and cornflower, which are concentrated but not black, are the best. The beautiful six-shot starlight produced by the three inclusions parallel and oriented to the underside of the cambriform grinding is called “starlight sapphire”.

Sapphire is a reference to the sky, as the sky is the most ideal state, known as the sky blue, this ring, in strong light can be shown, (see below) and is a rare star sapphire, you can see the stars four yao, beautiful moving soul.

From qing dynasty to the republic of China, foreign goods in popularity, noble family to have a western thing proud, but also have a lot of famous artists children to study abroad to study, can say a few words of English to keep up with the trend, to embody the cultural background, the basic abroad of sapphire is the nobles can have, with such a mustard is extremely costly, became a millionaire, a bucket of jack to collect this can not only show status, offered more plus for temperament, is a very rare collection collection level.

Amnion jade: hetian jade due to different mining geology, also divided into mountain material, water material, next door material, seed material, which is the highest value when belongs to seed material. High-quality Hetian jade seeds are collected from the river, it after thousands of years of river wash, become delicate crystal, such as coagulation such as fat, became the famous Hetian jade. Hetian white jade is well known at home and abroad. Dongfangshuo, a writer in the Western Han Dynasty, once praised it as “the essence of white jade”. The xinjiang jade of past dynasties emperor that pay tribute, take most from this kind of hetian white jade most top grade. As a result of this kind of white jade fine texture, pure hun white, color such as sheep fat, so also known as sheep fat jade.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: ornamental engraving wrapped twig pattern sheep fat jade pendant

3. Oped cathedral2 and Looped Twig Pattern Jade Pendant

Category: Jade

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

Amniotic fluid jade: Hetian jade due to different mining geology, also divided into mountain material, mountain water material, Gobi material, seed material, which is the highest value belongs to the seed material. High-quality Hetian jade seeds are collected from the river, it after thousands of years of river wash, become delicate crystal, such as coagulation such as fat, became the famous Hetian jade. Hetian white jade is well known at home and abroad. Dongfangshuo, a writer in the Western Han Dynasty, once praised it as “the essence of white jade”. The xinjiang jade of past dynasties emperor that pay tribute, take most from this kind of hetian white jade most top grade. As a result of this kind of white jade fine texture, pure hun white, color such as sheep fat, so also known as sheep fat jade.

According to relevant materials, from the Spring and Autumn And Warring States to the Yuan Dynasty before hetian jade, are collected seeds; To the Yuan Dynasty began to collect mountain materials; To qing Dynasty, seed material gradually scarce, began to collect mountain material on a large scale.

Characteristics of the

First, its pure hardness is high — the content of tremolite mineral in white jade is as high as 99%, and its hardness is 6 ~ 6.5, second only to jadeite. Its toughness and wear resistance are the strongest in jadeite.

Second, the structure is fine — the tremolite in amnion jade is fibrous felt structure. Due to the above two characteristics, amnion white jade can present a unique “sense of agglutination”, also known as “oily”.

Three is the color for the white – not pure white pale, but with grease gloss white.

The distinguishing feature of white jade of amniotic fat must satisfy 5 respects, namely quality of a material is pure, structure is fine, water head sufficient, color amniotic fat is white, oily heavy.

1. Pure texture — the tremolite mineral content in amniotic jade reaches 99%.

Amniotic fluid jade exists in the area of wall rock alteration. When the granodiorite contact with dolomite, a series of contact metamorphic rocks are produced, the dolomite changes into dolomite marble, and the late magmatic hydrothermal solution forms the tremolite by metasomatism along the structural fracture channel of dolomite marble.

The rock mass was deformed into three lithofacies, dolomite marble, dolomite marble and tremolite.

2, structure the tremolite in fine, suet jade micro fiber shaped crystalloblastic crystallization and aggregation, under the electron microscope, optical microscope for determination of tremolite crystal granularity, suet jade tremolite fibrous length (vertical) in 0.033 0.01 mm, 0.0006 0.001 mm width (horizontal), these microscopic fiber, villous, blanket tremolite crystals are intertwined with each other, the composition structure of villous, blanket structure and mixed structure. [2]

The characteristic of microfiber, villous and felt-shaped crystal aggregates under orthogonal polarization is that they do not show uniform extinction at the same Angle.

3, shuitou foot — shuitou, lingdi are the name of jade transparency, in the tremolite often from the thickness of 2mm as the standard, white jade in this criterion appears translucent – opaque, the shuitou foot of amniotic jade shows translucent.

4, the color is white – white sheep fat is not pure white, but with oil sheen of white, in the white some can give a slight yellow, poor texture can also be in white

5, oily heavy — suet jade in the process of continuously in people hand touch, since however, in the jade surface to produce a “oily” feeling, also have this phenomenon in some fine hotan white jade, when suet jade pendant in water, mention county, can drop not sticky, so oily heavy suet jade continous sex good, too, the so-called continous sex, namely toughness.


Culture: The delicate texture of oil, the pure white of “color like cut fat”, and the luster of “often like fat dyed” conform to the implicit aesthetic concept of Traditional Chinese culture. It is not ostentatious, showy, or dazzling. It has attracted the Chinese people for thousands of years with the beauty of “essence and connotation”. There is a mysterious charm in the beauty of sheep fat jade, how many people are infatuated with it, and do not regret.

Ancient discussions on jades “five virtues”, “nine virtues” and “eleven virtues” have raised the humanistic connotation of jade to a sacred level.

Collection value: since ancient times, “gold has price and jade is priceless”. This tian suet jade pendant, used the engraved look process, carver exquisite, carving tangles of branch lines curvy, looking at the quality of the jade, white like suet, setting such as suet, starting with a warm, with the long storage temperature, and slow temperature erosion via expert appraisal, as a rare hetian suet white jade, hetian jade investment be attention all the time, a “crazy stone” report suet jade or one thousand times, staggering, xinjiang local now also could not find suet jade, coupled with a government ban on drilling, has formed the situation in which ten nine Tibetan jade, hetian jade prices higher.



